> Origins > Rules of the Game > Variations on Sudoku dijous, 16 de febrer de 2006
As you probably already know, sudoku is a type of puzzle that has recently attained enormous international popularity, most noticeably since last year. This game of logic, for both children and adults, has a growing presence in newspapers and magazines all over the world, as well as on the internet.
The simplicity of the rules, the different degrees of difficulty and the fact that it is a numerical game (and, therefore, not linked to any particular language) are some of the reasons that have been given to explain the popularity of sudoku. It has also been pointed out that it is a puzzle that is very fitting for the present day, when the culture of numbers is stronger than that of words: our culture is more numerical than alphabetical. Sometimes, the word 'sudoku' is spelt 'Su Doku', a Japanese expression that can be translated as 'number single'. It was in fact in Japan that sudoku first took root and became strongest, although, contrary to what one might believe, it was not in Japan that it originates.
OriginsIn effect, this puzzle first appeared in a New York magazine in 1979. The game, originally called 'Number Place', arrived in Japan in the mid-80's by way of the magazine Nikoli, which renamed it 'sudoku'. But despite all this, the real origins of sudoku must be sought in the Latin Squares invented by the Swiss mathematician and physician Leonhard Euler (1707-1783).
Rules of the GameSudoku is a 9 x 9 grid – 81 boxes grouped into blocks of 9 (3 x 3). Starting from the numbers that already appear written in the grid, the game consists of filling in the boxes so that every row, every column and every block contain all the numbers from 1 to 9. Naturally, the game will be easier to solve, the more numbers filled in from the start.
Variations on SudokuThis is the basic structure of sudoku which, of course, does not necessarily have to be numerical. Instead of numbers, letters, colours, pictures... can be used as it does not affect in any way the basic rules of the game, although it may make it harder. There is also the variation called sidoku, based on combinations of the seven notes of the musical scale: do, re, mi, fa, so, la and si.
> Nota històrica sobre el sudoku.
> El sidoku: el sudoku musical.
> Un altra variant del sudoku, amb tres nivells de dificultat.
I també...
- Poseu-vos a prova amb uns quants d'aquests trencaclosques numèrics.
- Contes i acudits matemàtics.
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