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The New Seven Wonders of the World

The List

The Wonders of the World

A Travel Guide to the Ancient World

dimarts, 10 de gener de 2006
In ancient times there were seven architectural and sculptural works considered to be the greatest artistic creations of mankind. Well, the Swiss foundation New 7 Wonders intends to renew this select and celebrated list, through an interactive initiative which invites anyone interested to vote for their favourite work of art.

New 7 Wonders was founded in 2001, and, up to now, has amassed more than nineteen million votes. Out of the seventy-seven most voted for monuments, a group of architect experts has selected twenty-one, from which the New Seven Wonders of the World will emerge in a final telephone vote which will take place throughout 2006. The winning works will be made public on 1st January 2007, in a ceremony to be broadcast worldwide on television.

Driven by the Swiss adventurer Bernard Weber, the New 7 Wonders Foundation, based in Zurich, has as its aim the protection of artistic heritage of mankind and, in accordance with this, half of the money raised through this initiative will be used to fund restoration projects worldwide.

The List

+ Prehistoric site of Stonehenge.
The Foundation's list includes works which are thousands of years old, such as the Acropolis in Athens, the Colosseum in Rome, the Great Wall of China, the ancient city of Petra (Jordan), the megalithic monument Stonehenge (England)..., as well as the Pyramids of Giza (Egypt), the only one of the Ancient Wonders which still remains; no less important, some more recent creations also figure, like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Statue of Liberty in New York and the Sydney Opera House.

The Wonders of the World

+ Pyramids of Giza: the only Wonder which remains standing.
The list of the Ancient Wonders of the World was made up of the following monuments: The Pyramids of Egypt (as we mentioned, the only Wonder which remains standing), The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, The Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. It is worth pointing out, nonetheless, that before this list was agreed on, the Greeks, very fond of making lists of the most remarkable places, had several lists in circulation. The two best-known lists were those compiled by Antipater of Sidon and Philon of Byzantium towards the 2nd Century BC.

A Travel Guide to the Ancient World

+ Seven Ancient Wonders were located around the Mediterranean basin.
In fact, these lists were essentially travel guides, catalogues of distinguished works of art aimed at people eager to learn about the world; a world which, for the authors of these early travel guides, was limited to a great extent to the Mediterranean region. That is why all the Wonders of the World, except for the Gardens of Babylon (a great city erected in Mesopotamia, in the present-day Iraq) were located around the shores of the Mediterranean.



  • In accordance with the condition set by the New 7 Wonders Foundation, of the twenty-one candidates for the distinction New Wonder of the World, none were built later than 2000.
  • Originally, the enormous Colosseum in Rome, a two-thousand-year-old amphitheatre, had capacity for some fifty thousand spectators.
  • Until the 19th Century, the pyramid of Kheops, the largest of the pyramids at Giza, was the highest construction in the world.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


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I també...
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  • L'antiga ciutat inca de Machu Picchu, seleccionada per la fundació New 7 Wonders.
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  • Mapa indicatiu de l'emplaçament d'aquestes grans creacions de l'antiguitat.
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