> A Historic Drought > The Amazon Jungle: the Earth's Lung > The Amazon River dijous, 27 d'octubre de 2005
The deforestation of the Amazon is increasing at twice the rate one previously thought. This is the main conclusion of a study on the Amazon rainforest of Brazil (roughly half of the total), conducted by Brazilian scientists and the Carnegie Institution of Washington, in collaboration with NASA.
According to this research, recently published in the prestigious Science magazine, for the last few decades the forested surface area of the Amazon basin has been reduced by selective logging, which consists of cutting down the trunks of certain trees for commercialisation; a clandestine practice that goes unnoticed by the systems that detect deforested areas (which only pick up vast areas used for agriculture and grazing). But a new high definition satellite imaging technique has now allowed this to be discovered. The research concludes that between the years 1999 and 2002, selective logging drastically increased the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon region: at least 60 % more than one believed to be the case. Researchers believe that this hidden practice negatively affects the flora and fauna of the area, as well as increases erosion and the risk of fire. Moreover, each year it increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by up to 25%.
A Historic Drought
+ Brazilian state of Amazonas is suffering the worst drought of the last fifty years.
Things get even more complicated by another situation that is probably linked to deforestation: the worst drought of the last fifty years in the Brazilian state of Amazonas. So much so that a few days ago the government of this state declared it an official disaster zone and started distributing food and medical supplies to the population, a difficult task given the poor accessibility to the area and the extremely low level of the navigable rivers.
The Amazon Jungle: the Earth's LungThe Amazon jungle stretches over six South American countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. It is the largest tropical rainforest in the world, with a surface area of more than six million square kilometres. It is rightly referred to as the planet's lung: the plant species provide a fair amount of the Earth's oxygen, which is essential for life. The climate is hot, humid and very rainy, and there is a wide variety of animal and plant species, many of which have yet to be identified.
The Amazon RiverThe Amazon region is an enormous basin created by the Amazon River and its more than one thousand tributaries. This river, the largest in the world, begins in the summits of the Peruvian Andes and ends in the Atlantic Ocean after having run a course of about six thousand three hundred kilometres. This makes it the second longest in the world, only surpassed by the Nile in Africa, which is over six thousand six hundred kilometres long.
> La tala forestal selectiva de l'Amazònia brasilera, en un mapa.
> Consum de fusta tropical i desforestació: preguntes i respostes.
> Exploreu l'Amazònia.
I també...
- Una selva, sis països.
- Dades sobre el pulmó de la Terra.
- Fotografies de l'Amazones, el riu més cabalós del món.
- Camí contra riu.
- Secada històrica a l'Amazònia.
- Els drets de la terra a la conca de l'Amazones.
- El Bosc Inundat, de CosmoCaixa Barcelona, una reproducció de la selva amazònica.
- Causes generals del desboscament.
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