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Light and Noise Pollution

Consequences of Light Pollution

Sources and Effects of Noise

Civic Behaviour against Noise

dimarts, 18 d'octubre de 2005
Sustainable development can be defined as the socioeconomic growth that meets human needs while taking care of the environment and its natural resources, so that the welfare of today's generation does not compromise that of future generations. Growing public awareness of the benefits of sustainable development is illustrated by the need to promote renewable energy sources and to limit, insofar as is possible, all the various forms of pollution, such as light and noise pollution.

Indeed, various organisations and institutions are focusing their attention more and more on the issue of light and noise pollution. For example, on the 3rd of May this year, the Government of Catalonia passed a by-law (which enforces a law passed in 2001) on the prevention of light pollution, and for three years now the prevention of noise pollution in the Principality of Catalonia is backed up by law.

Before describing the effects of both of these forms of contamination, we should give them a concise definition. Light pollution can be defined as the excess or incorrect set-up of night-time lighting. Obviously, light pollution cannot be avoided completely, but it can be minimised. Noise pollution, on the other hand, is an excess of environmental sound.

Consequences of Light Pollution

+ Artificial night sky brightness in Europe.
An excessive level of light pollution has several negative consequences. To start with, it implies an unnecessary increase of energy usage, for which the public ends up paying. And the more electricity we consume, the more must be produced and the more the atmosphere is polluted. Of course, excessive light and atmospheric pollution also diminish our view of the night sky and make the multitudes of stars invisible, which represents a major cultural loss and a poorer landscape for all of us. Not to speak of the upset to the nocturnal habits of all kinds of species (reproductive and migratory cycles, for example): bats, migratory birds, fish, insects, and so on.

Sources and Effects of Noise

+ Sources of noise are what cause noise pollution.
Sources of noise are what cause noise pollution. These sources are most present in the city and include modes of transport (cars, motorbikes, trains, planes...), industrial machinery, construction of buildings and infrastructure, certain domestic and leisure activities, etc. Apart from being annoying, these and other sources of noise can lead to temporary or permanent decrease in hearing ability, irritability, stress, fatigue and other symptoms.

Civic Behaviour against Noise

+ Civic behaviour is essential to reduce noise pollution.
Noise pollution is, then, inevitable, but as with light pollution, it is possible to reduce it. The promotion and growing use of the bicycle, for example, supports this. In summary, effective reduction of noise means applying technological progress to help us and enforcing appropriate laws, but it also requires a strong commitment from the public as a whole. Civic behaviour, politeness and consideration for others are essential.



  • It has been calculated that around 20% of the population of Western Europe (eighty million people) is exposed to noise levels that experts classify as unacceptable.
  • The haze of light pollution in the metropolitan area of Barcelona can be seen from the Northern coast of the island of Majorca.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Mapes indicatius de la contaminació lluminosa, a Europa i a tot el món.
Menes de contaminació lluminosa.
Un decàleg de la lluita individual contra el soroll.
Exemples visuals de contaminació lluminosa.
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