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Wakamaru the Domestic Robot is Here!

A Web-Surfing Secretary

Other Robots

Japan, at the Cutting Edge of Robotics

dimarts, 13 de setembre de 2005
Wakamaru, the robot designed to carry out all kinds of domestic chores, is about to enter the lives of all the Japanese who are willing to pay over fourteen thousand dollars for which it will go on sale on the 16th of September, the launch date set by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., the Japanese manufacturer of this servile, attentive and efficient android.

Wakamaru is one metre tall and forty-five centimetres wide. It weighs around thirty kilos and moves around on wheels at an approximate speed of one kilometre per hour. The robot, one of the star automatons displayed at the 2005 International Expo, held in the Japanese province of Aichi, has abilities that just a few years ago we would have only thought possible as the product of the imagination of a science-fiction writer.

Because this Japanese robot is able to understand up to ten thousand words and to speak with its owners, not only in response to questions asked, but on its own initiative. It even recognises its owners, as it is able to detect the facial characteristics of up to ten people.

But Wakamaru has many other abilities. Let's take a look at a few of them.

A Web-Surfing Secretary

+ Wakamaru is one metre tall and forty-five centimetres wide.
To start with, Wakamaru of its own accord adjusts itself to the family's pace of life, which it can do because it has precise knowledge of place and the time of day. For example, if required, it can wake up all the different members of the family at a set time, as well as remind them of their commitments that day. It also has access to the internet and can inform you of new e-mails in your inbox. And more than this, when the family is away, Wakamaru looks after the house and can notify family members by e-mail of any anomaly that it may detect.

Other Robots

+ There are all kinds and sorts of robots.
Aside from Wakamaru, there are all kinds and sorts of other robots. Some of the most innovative are the Toyota Partners, a few of which can claim the special skill of playing musical instruments. Toyota has also made the i-foot, a robotic chair able to go up and down steps. Finally, other exceptional robots include Actroid, a female-looking humanoid that speaks four languages, and Emiew, which moves at a top speed of six kilometres per hour.

Japan, at the Cutting Edge of Robotics

+ Japan has more than half of the world's industrial robots.
Japan, one of the most highly developed countries in the world, is at the cutting edge of the robotics industry. For the Japanese, these automatons are nothing new, because Japan has more than half of the world's industrial robots. But now there are also more and more robots like Wakamaru, designed to meet the needs of an aging population (Japan has an extremely low birth rate). Given this context, robots may soon become man's inseparable companion. If there is one place where robots and humans can live together in harmony, it is in Japan.


  • Wakamaru
    Espai de la companyia Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., enterament dedicat a l'humanoide Wakamaru: disseny, tecnologia, notícies...
  • Robots
    Pàgina sobre robots de Newsround, web de notícies de la BBC adreçada al jovent.
  • Kids Web Japan
    Una altra pàgina per a joves, aquesta sobre el Japó.
  • The Robot Hall of Fame
    Iniciativa de la Universitat Carnegie Mellon, que distingeix robots, de ficció o reals, tinguts per importants en el progrés de la robòtica.
  • Expo 2005 Aichi
    Web de l'Exposició Internacional 2005, que es fa al territori japonès d'Aichi; inclou una secció sobre els robots exposats.


  • For two years now, the Robot Hall of Fame of the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, has been honouring both real and science-fiction robots that have contributed to the development of robotics. Last year's award-winners include the famous Asimo, which came out in the year 2000 and represented a milestone in terms of mobility.
  • Wakamaru, which runs on rechargeable batteries, incorporates the Linux free-code operating system.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


Les capacitats de Wakamaru.
Dades bàsiques d'aquest robot de Mitsubishi.
L'autòmat músic de Toyota, en acció.
Robots per a les tasques més variades.
I també...
  • Imatges i breu descripció de cinc prototips japonesos.
  • Vídeos d'Asimo, un dels androides de més anomenada.
  • Definició de 'robot' i origen del mot.
  • Exploreu el Japó, país capdavanter en robòtica.
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