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Wind Energy


Pros and Cons

An Energy Source with a Long History

dimarts, 14 de juny de 2005
Renewable forms of energy are now seen as future alternatives to non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuel and nuclear fission, which are currently the most used. One of these forms of renewable energy is wind energy, which uses the force of the wind, and which we will describe in more detail below.

But before we do, we should point out that renewable energy, also known as alternative sources of energy, do not generate waste, are inexhaustible and can be produced in a decentralised manner, i.e., at multiple locations. These features are shared by all these types of energy: hydroelectric (the most common), solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and marine energy.

It should also be pointed out that renewable energy still represents a very small percentage of total energy production. In the European Union in 2003, for example, it reached 5.5 % and in the Principality of Catalonia, 2.9 %. As far as wind energy is concerned, in the Principality of Catalonia it makes up 0.36 % of the total.

However, the forecast for the coming years is one of growth: the EU's aim is that renewable energy make up 12 % of the total by 2010, and in the Principality of Catalonia the energy plan forecasts 7.9 % by 2015.
  • ! Actualització el 20/06/2005 a les 08:30


+ Aerogenerators are a sort of modern windmills.
Wind energy allows the force of the wind to be transformed into electrical or mechanical energy by using devices called aerogenerators which, for the sake of clarity, are a sort of modern windmills. These aerogenerators are grouped together into what are known as wind parks or wind farms, which are placed on sites where the wind blows constantly, such as on high plains or high points on the coast.

Pros and Cons

+ Aerogenerators are grouped together into what are known as wind farms.
Because it generates no waste and is inexhaustible, wind energy, like other forms of renewable energy, is more environmentally-friendly than non-renewable energy. This doesn't mean that there are no disadvantages, even in relation to the environment. One has to bear in mind that, if a substantial amount of energy is needed, many aerogenerators have to be put up, which increases the visual impact of the wind parks. Noise and birds colliding with the aerogenerators are other disadvantages that have been noted, as well as the dependence on the wind: if the wind isn't blowing, there's no energy.

An Energy Source with a Long History

+ Windmills fell into disuse because of the growing use of electricity.
Wind energy has been exploited by mankind since time immemorial. Just think of the sail boats that were driven by the wind that were already used in ancient times. It is also known that, more than two thousand years ago, the Persians who populated what is know Iran, used windmills to grind grain. In fact, windmills were used well into the 20th century, when they finally fell into disuse because of the growing use of electricity. But even so, the oil crisis of the 1970s revived interest in wind energy, and this interest has only continued to grow.



  • Today's aerogenerators require an average wind speed of at least thirty kilometres per hour.
  • Birds take advantage of favourable tail winds to migrate, which is thought to be one of the reasons that they collide with aerogenerators.


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Com apuntar-s'hi


L'aprofitament de l'energia eòlica, segons Ecologistes en Acció de Catalunya.
Valoració que fa Greenpeace d'aquesta energia.
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