> The Wikipedia Philosophy > Sister Projects > Encyclopaedias: A Bit of History dimarts, 24 de maig de 2005
If you are someone who regularly surfs the net, you have very probably heard of Wikipedia, the biggest on-line encyclopaedia in the world, a multilingual project that internet surfers can actually take part in themselves: any user can enter his or her knowledge on the most diverse subjects. The encyclopaedia, which has become something of a web phenomenon, is growing every day.
The project counts on the support of thousands of volunteers that increase the encyclopaedia with the articles they write, which are published immediately and can be modified by other volunteers in order to add to them or amend them with their own contributions. Wikipedia was founded on the 15th of January 2001 by the North Americans Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, enthused by the idea of creating an encyclopaedia with the sum of knowledge held by people from all over the world. Today, Wales' and Sanger's concept is a growing reality, attested by its figures: over 1,500,000 articles written in more than a hundred languages, including Catalan. In fact, Catalan is one of the more than twenty languages with over 10,000 articles. Indeed, Viquipèdia, as it is called in the Catalan version, includes around 15,000 entries.
The Wikipedia Philosophy
+ Wikipedia is linked to the Wikimedia Foundation.
Although it is a fully participative project, Wikipedia has a set of points and principles defining its philosophy. Firstly, it should be pointed out that Wikipedia aims to be an encyclopaedia, not a dictionary, and certainly not a discussion forum. It also takes on neutral content that steers clear of any bias and that is respectful. The content is also protected by a copyleft license, which means that it can be freely distributed and modified.
Sister Projects
+ Wikimedia operates several other multilingual projects.
The same Wikipedia philosophy is the inspiration behind the other multilingual projects linked to the Wikimedia not-for-profit foundation. These projects include the dictionary known as Wiktionary; a compilation of quotes called Wikiquote; a collection of manuals and text books called Wikibooks; a collection of original texts called Wikisource, and so on. It is also worth highlighting the news service, Wikinews, founded just a few months ago.
Encyclopaedias: A Bit of History
+ The Encyclopaedia Britannica was born in 18th century.
Since ancient times there have been people who have built up works of great scope, considered true compendiums of knowledge of their time. This is the case, for example, of the writings of Aristotle and of Pliny the Elder's 'Natural History'. But encyclopaedias, as we know them today, date from the second half of the 18th century, when the Encyclopaedia began to appear, directed by Denis Diderot with the collaboration of the great men of the French Enlightenment: D'Alembert, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Rousseau... Soon after, the Encyclopaedia Britannica started to come out, now one of the most prestigious with its own digital edition.
> Preguntes freqüents sobre la Viquipèdia.
> Apunt introductori sobre aquesta enciclopèdia lliure.
> Un projecte emparat en la llicència de documentació lliure de GNU.
> Història de l'Enciclopèdia Britànica, que té una edició digital.
I també...
- La Viquipèdia, també en occità.
- Dites populars sobre els mesos de l'any, a la Wikiquote.
- Els prohoms de la Il·lustració francesa, autors de l'Enciclopèdia (1751-1765).
- Selecció d'enciclopèdies en línia.
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