Government publishes the White Paper on Catalonia’s National Transition English version

  • A 200 pages document that summarizes how Catalonia could become an independent country

08.10.2014 - 17:46

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern, la paguen els lectors

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures

A White Paper on National Transition was published at the end of September. At more than 1,400 pages, the volume provides documentation to help clarify, in an array of different fields, the steps Catalonia must take to become an independent state. As well as how the country could success in matters such as economy. The transition blueprint has been drafted by fifteen experts from the Advisory Council for National Transition (CATN) who have worked together for months on various key issues for the new state. Now the government has published a summary of the paper in English that can be accessed here.

The paper answers questions such as: Can Catalonia become independent?, How will independence be proclaimed?, Would an independent Catalan state be viable?, What relationship will Catalonia have with Spain and Europe after independence? and How will Catalonia conduct international affairs?. We explained it in detail here.

Catalan government launches new webpage in English

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