Bloomberg asks Rajoy to go to Catalonia and acknowledge his mistakes

  • News channel writes harsh editorial on Spanish government reaction to Catalan independence consultation

01.10.2014 - 17:07

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern, la paguen els lectors

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures

Bloomberg has published a harsh editorial this morning against the Spanish government, with the title ‘First Scotland, Now Spain‘. It criticizes its fixed position in rejecting independence consultation vote in Catalonia and asks for a constitutional reform that includes the right to secede.

Bloomberg is the leading financial news service in the world. The company publishes information through television, internet, magazine paper, mobile services and it also has its own handsets system, widely used by financial markets.

Some extracts:

‘To avoid a potential spiral of civil disobedience or even violence, Rajoy should go to Catalonia and acknowledge, in person, the mistakes his party has made. For the next steps, he need only look across the sea to the north. He should offer a fresh start to negotiations on greater autonomy for Catalonia and more control of its tax revenues. As U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron might tell him, Rajoy will probably have to make these concessions anyway to keep his country together.

Rajoy should also be open to constitutional reform that would decentralize powers and include a procedure to allow Spain’s regions to vote on secession. This wouldn’t necessarily have to be on the extraordinarily generous terms that Cameron agreed to for Scotland, but it would have to create a potential route for Catalans to conduct at least a nonbinding referendum on their status. Even engaging in such negotiations may lead Catalonians to abandon their referendum for now, if they believe a legal route to vote on independence will eventually become available.’

Worldwide media echo Spanish suspension of Catalan independence consultation vote:

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