Estonian Merili Varik records a song supporting Catalonia’s self-determination

  • 'It's Time' is a version of the original Estonian song and incorporates sentences in Catalan

03.09.2014 - 14:00

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern, la paguen els lectors

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures

Estonian singer Meril Varik has recorded in English ‘It’s time’, a version of the Estonian song from their latest album and dedicated to the independence ‘of my beloved Catalonia.’

For six years Varik was the voice and face of AgentM, a popular Baltic group, with songs awraded by MTV. In 2011 she began a career on her own and recorded several albums and performed regularly in several countries, including Catalonia. In the video of the song, Varik appears with an ‘estelada’ (flag typically flown by Catalan separatists) drawn in her hand, while singing in English ‘it’s time to defend your liberties/it’s time to get them back’.


«I have been living quietly and hiding myself
in this life that will end with a death!
Always polite, always a smile in my face,
saying words in the air that is deaf.
Grey tap water, no cold, no hot
and fly whos noise will never stop!
and trees behind the window been growing up
except the one what was torned by a storm.
Would like to feel same storm in my heart
I have freedom in my mind
wont close my eyes anymore for things what are not alright!

You open door real quickly now, dont ever look behind,
dont stop, dont think, dont doubt no more, 
comes what has to come
You open door real quickly now, dont ever look behind,
dont stop, dont think, dont doubt no more, 
comes what has to come

Its time to say the truth!
Its time to stop the wrong what has been done!
Its time to fight and no more shaking hands
all what is faked can go to hell
its time to defend your liberties
its time to get them back
as long as you have time to live you have to fight for that!

I have been living quietly and hiding myself
in this life that will end with a death!
Always polite, always a smile in my face,
saying words in the air that is deaf.
Grey tap water, no cold, no hot
and fly whos noise will never stop!
and trees behind the window been growing up
except the one what was torned by a storm.
Would like to feel same storm in my heart
I have freedom in my mind
wont close my eyes anymore for things what are not alright!

És hora de dir la veritat. És hora de marxar.
És hora de dir la veritat. És hora de canviar.
És hora de dir la veritat. És hora de marxar.
És hora de dir la veritat. És hora de canviar.

Its time to say the truth!
Its time to stop the wrong what has been done!
Its time to fight and no more shaking hands
all what is faked can go to hell
its time to defend your liberties
its time to get them back
as long as you have time to live you have to fight for that!

Its time to say it all, to do it all, to think it all!
Its time to change it all and love it all!
As long as you have time to live you have to fight for that!

És hora de dir la veritat. És hora de marxar.
És hora de dir la veritat. És hora de canviar.
És hora de dir la veritat. És hora de marxar.
És hora de dir la veritat. És hora de canviar.»

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