30.07.2014 - 18:30
President Mas held firm in a meeting with Spain’s prime minister on Wednesday, saying he will push ahead with an independence referendum in November despite the central government’s vows to stop it from happening.
After a 2 1/2 hour meeting with Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Catalonia President Artur Mas said the referendum issue remains deadlocked. However, he said there was a willingness on both sides to keep communication channels open.
In the absence of any alternative proposal from Rajoy, Mas said he would continue to push for the central government to allow the referendum to be held legally. “We want to do it within a legal framework, like the British vote,” he said.
Mas said the talks took place “in an atmosphere of frank dialogue.” “That, in itself, is very positive,” added.
Mas also presented Rajoy with 23 economic and social issues. He said that, among other things, he asked Rajoy to reconsider government plans for cutbacks in funding for social services and education reforms.
His press conference was delayed by a man who yelled ‘Long live Spain!’ and ‘Mas Traitor!’ repeatedly until being forced to leave by police.