Marta Zaragoza: “The viability of organizations depends on putting people and competency capital at central axis of their activity”

  • The economist, business leader, and entrepreneur explained competency-based management and


Liz Castro

17.06.2014 - 16:54

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Marta Zaragoza is an economist, business leader, and entrepreneur, who focuses on creation, consolidation and growth in both the private and non-profit sectors, specializing in developing entrepreneurial and management competence, competency-based strategic management, and currently competency-based human resource management models.

Zaragoza has worked as a consultant, advisor, and researcher, mostly in areas of entrepreneurship and strategic management, and with special emphasis on women entrepreneurs, and also young people. She is also a professor at the University of Barcelona, the University Rovira i Virgili and the UOC Business School and gives conferences all over Catalonia.

In 2013, she wrote Emprendre en clau de competències: El perfil emprenedor (Competency-based Entrepreneurship: The profile of an entrepreneur). And in 2010 founded Cresàlida, to help businesses and organizations be “balanced and sustainable” through competency-based management.


Zaragoza participated in a #CatalanTalk on Twitter Tuesday, explaining what competency-based entrepreneurship means, and why it’s important. She also explained the project Conselleres i Directives, and how it aims to assess the competencies of women business leaders, and match them up with companies and governmental organizations in need of their expertise.

The CatalanTalk is also available in Catalan, Spanish, French, and German, thanks to translators Esther Roig, Rodolf Gimeno, Blandine Giraud, and Monika Ferré Jordà, respectively.

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