Scottish TV takes a look at Catalan independence

  • Scotland Tonight interviewed Laura Pous from the Catalan News Agency and Kathryn Crameri, Glasgow University


Scotland Tonight

30.05.2014 - 15:04

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern, la paguen els lectors

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A twelve minute segment on Scotland TV analyzes the effect of the Scottish independence debate on Catalonia. There is a short introduction followed by a discussion with Laura Pous and Kathryn Crameri.

“People used the [European Parliamentary] elections to send a message that they want to vote on independence and in fact the two main parties that won these elections are both pro-independence and pro-referendum,” says Laura Pous, Catalan News Agency.

“Economic factors are certainly a big part of it, and we’ve seen a lot of frustration with the inability of the Spanish Government to handle the economic crisis,” says Kathryn Crameri from Glasgow University, “but there are much deeper factors as well that have to do with culture and identity and especially the Catalan language which is in many ways coming under attack from policies that the Spanish Government is implementing.”


Scotland Tonight: Catalonia and the Scottish independence debate

Scotland’s referendum campaign is being watched closely beyond these shores, particularly in Catalonia.

The Spanish nationality is itself caught up in an increasingly heated independence debate. Opinion polls suggest that at least half of Catalans support independence from Spain, and a far higher number want the legal right to vote on the matter.

A special report for Scotland Tonight comes from the Barcelona based sports journalist Graham Hunter

<Click to watch>

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