PP and PSOE suffer big losses in Catalan Countries

  • PP goes from 1,451,547 votes to 826,605 · PSOE goes from 1,516,706 votes to 794,379

26.05.2014 - 00:53

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern, la paguen els lectors

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures

The defeat of the two biggest Spain-wide parties in the Catalan Countries on Sunday was spectacular. In Valencia the PP fell from 52.23% in 2009 to 29.09% in 2014. In the Balearic Islands, they went from 43.74% of the votes to 27.45%. And in Catalonia they fell from 18.02% to 9.8% of the votes. For its part, PSOE-PSPV (Socialists) in Valencia fell from 37.59% to 21.63%. In the Balearics the Socialists fell from 38.66% to 22%. While the number of votes in Catalonia went from 36% to 14.28%.

If we look at absolute numbers, the fall of the PP in the Catalan Countries is evidenced by a loss of 624,942 votes (from 1,451,547 to 826,605), while PSOE fell from 1,516,706 vots a 794,379. Together, the two parties went from 2,968,253 votes in 2009 to 1,620,984 votes in 2014.

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