ERC wins the EU elections in the city of Barcelona, followed by CiU and ICV

  • PSC loses more than half of the votes it won five years ago

26.05.2014 - 00:30

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern, la paguen els lectors

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures

The comparison between this Sunday’s results in the EU elections in the city of Barcelona with the results of five years ago illustrates how the political landscape has changed in Catalonia. In these elections, Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) was the most voted party in the city, with 126,343 votes (32.7%). ERC won just 39,000 votes in 2009. The second most voted party was CiU, with 121,000 votes, twenty thousand more than in 2009. The third was ICV-EUiA with 73,211 votes, twice as many as five years ago. The top three winners in Barcelona all support the pro-sovereignty parties and all increased both their percentage and absolute number of votes.

The PSC suffered a huge defeat in the city of Barcelona. Five years ago it was the most voted party, with 152,000 votes, but on Sunday it came in fourth, with 70,900 votes. In fifth place was the PP, with 69,000 votes, compared with 96,600 in 2009, followed by Ciutadans with 40,400 votes and Podemos with 27,400 votes.

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