Landslide for pro-sovereignty parties in Catalonia in EU elections

  • ERC gets 23.67% and places ahead of CiU with 21.85% · The pro-sovereignty parties win 55.81% compared with 30.37% for unionists

25.05.2014 - 23:47

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern, la paguen els lectors

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures

Early forecasts have been confirmed. Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) has won the elections in Catalonia, beating out CiU. ERC won 23.67% of the vote and CiU 21.85%. In third place is PSC with 14.28%, fourth is ICV-EUiA with 10.29%. Fifth place goes to the PP (9.81%) which was the winner in the Spanish State. The big surprise is Podemos, which won 4.66% of the votes in Catalonia.

This data illustrates how pro-sovereignty parties obtained 55.81% of the votes (CiU+ERC+ICV-EUiA). Unionist parties (PSC+PP+Ciutadans) won 30.37%. Podemos, the seventh place winner, expressed its support for Catalonia’s independence if the Catalan people declare that decision with a referendum. Therefore, their 4.66% of the vote can be added to the group that is in favor of the right to decide.

Data in Spanish State
The returns in the Spanish State show big changes in the political landscape. PP is still the winner with 16 representatives, but that is seven less than in 2009. PSOE is still second with 14, which also reflects a loss of 7 votes. The brand new party, Podemos, was the big surprise of the day with 5 seats, followed by UPyD with 4, the coalition of CiU and PNB with 3, ERC with 2, Ciutadans 2, the Bildu coalition with 1 and Primavera Europea with Compromís with 1.

See also:

Oriol Junqueras “We dedicate this result to furthering the November 9th referendum”

Artur Mas: “Not a single step back, everything goes forward”

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PP and PSOE suffer big losses in Catalan Countries

Reactions to the pro-sovereignty victory in the international press

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Inside a Catalan polling station

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