Teachers in the Balearic Islands go back on strike

  • The Assemblea Docents [Educators Assembly] denounce death threats received by some strikers



07.01.2014 - 06:00

La premsa lliure no la paga el govern, la paguen els lectors

Fes-te de VilaWeb, fem-nos lliures

The teachers had announced already that the disciplinary action filed against the director of the Marratxí High School, Jaume March, would not go unanswered. The special Assemblea Docents [Educators Assembly] that took place before Christmas in Petra agreed to go back on strike today. It is a one-day strike, but they have not ruled out new actions later on. The assembly also remarked that the controversial trilingualism decree (TIL)—in which education in Catalan was reduced ostensibly to favor English but in reality to favor Spanish—was not being followed in the classrooms.

The action against March was begun with the argument that the center was not guaranteeing the right of education during the strike, an accusation that the assembly considers ‘pathetic’ and ambiguous, as well as an attempt to manipulate the education community.

March attended the December assembly to show his appreciation for the support that he had received since the disciplinary action had been filed.

The green revolt, summarized in video
The Educators Assembly has published a video on YouTube called AnyZero, in which they summarize in two and a half minutes the reasons why the educational community and a broad sector of the public in the Balearics decided to stand their ground last year against the educational policy of the Balearic Government and the application of the so-called Integrated Language Decree (TIL). It is called the ‘green revolt’ because of the green t-shirts worn by supporters.

The video, which includes shots of the huge demonstrations of 2013, is introduced with this text: “In 2013, the world saw a new historic revolution and suprisingly, this time it was educational and Mallorcan! Can you imagine if it is possible to change the world, and if, in addition, the change begins in Mallorca?”

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